Artist Uses Blood to Show Link Between Body and Spirit

By Sarah Bryan Miller
MISSOURI---Blood is artist Jordan Eagles’ chosen medium, and through it he strives to express both the energy and the spiritual symbolism of blood, of the flame and its meanings. “Blood/Spirit,” an exhibit of Eagles’ work, is on display at St. Louis University’s Museum of Contemporary Religious Art.  “It’s very strong work,” said the Rev. Terrence E. Dempsey, MOCRA’s founder and director. He first encountered it at a New York art fair and was immediately drawn to it. “It’s very stark, dramatic, beautiful, and I think it’s evocative. I’ve never seen anybody deal with blood like this before.” Dempsey likes the way it “explores themes of mortality, death versus regeneration, all the things that blood evokes.” Eagles, raised a secular Jew whose parents filled the house with religious art from all traditions, isn’t religious, but he talks often about spirituality. [link]

Museum of Contemporary Religious Art at Saint Louis University: "Jordan Eagles: Blood/Spirit," through May 12, St. Louis University, 221 North Grand Boulevard, or 314-977-7170.

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