Artworks That Inspired Josh Safdie, Jlin, Ferran Adrià, and More

By Andy Battaglia, Maximilíano Durón, Alex Greenberger
Hiernonymous Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503-15. COURTESY MUSEO DEL PRADO, MADRID
Ferran Adrià — chef Culinary star at the legendary restaurant elBulli and founder of elBullifoundation in Spain… …on Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights (1503–15) [pictured above]

"When you see The Garden of Earthly Delights, you say, “It’s not possible this is from the 1500s!” The work has been an inspiration to numerous people, from Tim Burton to Salvador Dalí, and it seems very ancient and at the same time very modern. I discovered it after I closed the restaurant, but now it serves as inspiration for everything we do. I had the good fortune of seeing it during a private tour at night in preparation for a program I did at the Prado, explaining cooking through artworks. It was one of the works I chose, and I consider it one of the works that everyone should know. The Garden of Earthly Delights is the avant-garde." [More]