Congregationalists encounter Lent through art

March 7, 2011

NEW HAMPSHIRE--Amherst Congregational Church will hosts a three-part Lenten series using story, poem, and art. Placed alongside a familiar Lenten story from Matthew or John, a painting from another time or religious tradition can help us encounter our wilderness journeys in new ways. Everyone is invited to attend one or all of these Lenten programs on alternate Wednesdays, March 16, March 30, and April 13, at the Amherst Congregational Church, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. This series is sponsored by the Adult Education Committee and facilitated by Emily Archer, ACC member and long-time facilitator of church, community, medical and public humanities programs. Contact Andrea at the church office at 673-3231 or visit for more information. [link]
