Gay "Passion of Christ" Series

By staff
"Jesus Enters the City" by Douglas Blanchard
NEW YORK - A gay vision of Christ’s Passion will run in daily installments from April 8-29 at the Jesus in Love Blog ( Each daily post features art by gay New York painter Douglas Blanchard, text by lesbian author Kittredge Cherry of Los Angeles and a short Bible passage. The three-week blog series includes all 24 paintings in Blanchard’s epic masterpiece “The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision.” The images show Jesus as a contemporary gay man jeered by fundamentalists, tortured by Marine look-alikes and rising again to enjoy homoerotic moments with God and friends. He faces forms of rejection that feel familiar to contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. He stands up to priests, businessmen, lawyers and soldiers — all of whom look eerily similar to the people holding those jobs today. “We are posting the gay Passion series to make Christ more accessible to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and our allies,” said Cherry, founder of [link]

"Son of Man" By Douglas Blanchard

"Turning Out the Money Changers"

"Riding into Jerusalem"
"Preaching in the Temple"

"Jesus Prays Alone"

"Jesus is Arrested"

"Jesus Before the Priests"

"Jesus Before the Magistrate"
