Loopy Show, Tells Drama of Mormon Mission
Religion Review
April 8, 2011
NEW YORK - “The Book of Mormon” does something more profound than grip its audience. It provides a sophisticated insight, one of many in the show, into the missionary experience. For all of its lewd jokes and potty-mouth banter, “The Book of Mormon” commingles the profane and the sacred, dramatizing the culture shock, the physical danger and the theological doubts that infuse what one might call the missionary narrative. That narrative has been lived out for centuries by Western missionaries in a range of denominations, and it has been expressed in recent decades in a spectrum of art and literature. [link]
Religion Review
April 8, 2011
NEW YORK - “The Book of Mormon” does something more profound than grip its audience. It provides a sophisticated insight, one of many in the show, into the missionary experience. For all of its lewd jokes and potty-mouth banter, “The Book of Mormon” commingles the profane and the sacred, dramatizing the culture shock, the physical danger and the theological doubts that infuse what one might call the missionary narrative. That narrative has been lived out for centuries by Western missionaries in a range of denominations, and it has been expressed in recent decades in a spectrum of art and literature. [link]