A&O Meetup: The Creation Museum is Dino-mighty

By Ernest Disney-Britton
AOA Meetup participants by Museum's Dinosaur at Entry
I left the Creation Museum, the featured event for the August AOA Meetup in Kentucky completely knocked over by the wonder and beauty of life seen through the lens of the Garden of Eden. It's a 60,000 square foot forced-walk experience from Creation to Crucifixion, and it's done in spectacular fashion including dinosaurs in Eden, Pharaoh's temple, and Noah's Ark. The scripting, the graphics, exhibits, videos and animatronics all make a compelling case for their story and builds genuine excitement about what's around the next corner. While there is no Fine Art, nor I suspect actual fossils inside, skeptics will be delighted by the "wow" factor, and believers will want to come back again and again, for more.


I am almost wish I could have been there too. Almost.
Anonymous said…
There is an entire fossil area at the end of the tour.
Ernest Britton said…
There is so much to see, with so little time. Was it the next gallery after the Crucifixion movie? I saw an entry marked Dinosaurs but we had to head back to Indianapolis. How long do people typically stay, 5 hours! (smile)
Tahlib said…
According to "The New Yorker" magazine, Francis Schaeffer a leading "Creationist" of the 1970's and 1980's, and evangelist and theologian traces the influence of Christianity on Western art and culture, and argues that Michelangelo’s “David”, for all its beauty, represented a dangerous turn away from a God-centered world and toward a blasphemous, human-centered world.

I assume therefore that Schaeffer's brand of religious art which condemned the artists of the Italian Renaissance would not be an advocate for religious freedom in art. Two of his most well known supporters today at congresswoman Michelle Bachman and Nancy Pearcey. Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/08/15/110815fa_fact_lizza#ixzz1Vmm02IHS.

Following the August 7 AOA Meetup to the Creation Museum, our founder and Creation Museum fan, Ernest Britton noted the absence of religious art in the museum (and questioned whether there were real dinosaur fossils on view) and invited comment from the musuem via twitter: @CreationMuseum. His statement about actual fossils was corrected (see above) but curiously there was no mention about the absence of religious art.