Art: On the Trail of Tintin's Tibet

By Blake Gropnik
For Bugs, Scrooge, and Lara Croft, Tibet is a place of great mountains
and great adventures., Courtesy of the Rubin Museum of Art, New York
NEW YORK - Already at 5, I had plugged into the powerful myth of Tibet that Westerners have created. An exhibition at New York’s Rubin Museum follows our comic heroes and villains to the top of the world. Hero, Villain, Yeti: Tibet in Comics, an exhibition now at the lovely little Rubin Museum of Art in New York, shows I wasn’t the only kid who feasted on that myth. Martin Brauen, curator emeritus at the Rubin, has assembled 48 comic books built around Tibet, presenting some originals in cases on the wall but all 48 as reading copies out on open desks. [link]


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