Theater Review: "Jesus Christ Superstar" Broadway Bound via San Diego

By Welton Jones
Jesus Christ Superstar
CALIFORNIA - Any doubts that JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR is a genuine modern musical masterpiece should be banished forever by the splendid production in residence at the La Jolla Playhouse through December. Furthermore, though I will never be known as a devout religionist, I can’t imagine a more moving, more spiritual delivery of Christianity’s core story than this. Created by LJP legend Des McAnuff for his Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Canada, this show is on its way to Broadway trailing hosannas and fomenting anticipation. I can’t recommend it more sincerely and I particularly would hope than genuinely religious audiences find their way to the Mandell Weiss Theatre at UCSD. This is a gift that should be shared by all but could be even more special to many.  [link]
