Is Rapper Jefferson Bethke's YouTube Hit a Misleading Picture of Jesus & Religion?

By Eryn Sun , Christian Post Reporter

Though Jefferson Bethke’s “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” video may have been intended for good, it might be doing the exact opposite – giving people the wrong impression of who Jesus is and what he actually loves. Readdressing the issue examined by the spoken word poet in his video, which has gone viral within days of its posting, two pastors – Kevin DeYoung and Jared Wilson – hope to explain why Bethke’s message might not be the most accurate picture of the Jesus they know in the Bible. Jesus did not hate religion, DeYoung pointed out. He was a Jew, went to services at the synagogue, observed Jewish holy days, did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill them....“Jesus was not your go-to-guy for hating religion,” he emphasized. [link]