Trees and Judaism in San Francisco

"Reclaimed Time" (2011) by Terry Berlier
CALIFORNIA - The Contemporary Jewish Museum's upcoming exhibition "Do Not Destroy: Trees, Art, and Jewish Thought runs February 16 through May 28. It features Contemporary artists’ views of the tree throughout Jewish tradition. The title comes from a commandment in Deuteronomy that forbids the destruction of trees during wartime. The show is two-pronged: One part continues the Dorothy Saxe Invitational, which calls for artists from diverse backgrounds to explore a Jewish ritual object; the second features contributions by international artists known for creating tree-themed works. 736 Mission St., S.F., (415) 655-7800,


Real Exams said…
I see first time any information about Trees and Judaism. Very useful it's.
I share Real Exams' suprise. This is a helpful post. Thanks Tahlib! Hopefully, I will be able to see more of this show. Any pictures available?
It's one of the great things about art, it can open so many doors to new understanding. Thanks for the comment.
I have yet to see pics but will keep my eyes open.
There are pics on the museum website:
I added a great pic to the post "Reclaimed Time" (2011) by Terry Berlier

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