A&O Movie Review: Go See "John Carter" (B+)

The Goddess doesn't run people's lives, but manages the damage through the best thug available. At least that's the message in the new Disney film "John Carter." She does it through her mystical Therns (like Angels) who are the heralds of the Goddess Issus who advise the thug on bring "balance" to the destruction of the world. We don't meet this all-powerful Goddess, and a creation story summary would have been nice, however that being said, as a movie, this Sci-Fi adventure is told a compelling story in an engrossing way. There is nothing really hokey about how Christian allusions, including the fact that "JC" is the savior are interwoven, but instead they help you to make sense of the story. There is enough romance for the love-hearted, like myself; there is plenty of action adventure without being too gorey; and plenty of science fiction oddities without being too bizzare. While taken there kicking and dragging, I must admit that it is all pulled together neatly to tell a familiar but novel story. This Disney film is destined to be another Disney classic. Go See it.


Megabomb 'John Carter' may be Hollywood's biggest loser http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/sns-rt-us-johncarter-boxofficebombsbre82j19r-20120320,0,756258.story

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