Searching for "Figure of Christ" by Heinrich Hofmann, on his 188th Birthday

By Tahlib
"Figure of Christ" by Heinrich Hofman
German painter Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann, born March 19, 1824 (died June 23, 1911) was/is best known for his many paintings depicting the life of Jesus Christ in the easily accessible style of Realism-Naturalism, and while this obviously non-Jewish looking Jesus is inaccurate, Hofmann's depictions of Christ can be found in many American homes.

Following worship service at Riverside Church, in the Upper West Side, I took a guided tour of the church art collection and our guide showed me three works by Heinrich Hofmann, "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler," "Christ in Gethsemane," "Christ in the Temple" and "Picture of Christ." My Riverside Church guide also shared that the painting "Christ in Gethsemane" (below) is "the most copied painting in the world." In my grandmother's home though another of Hofmann's paintings was on view, "Figure of Christ" (above). I asked the guide for its location, but he was unaware of its location, and I wasn't able to find it online except in poster form from numerous companies. It's his birthday today. Anyone know the location for the his original "Figure of Christ"?
"Christ in Gethsemane" (1890) by Heinrich Hofmann


Anonymous said…
It is currently in Provo, UT at a BYU art exhibit titled "Sacred Gifts." It is on loan from the Riverside Church.

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