A&O Meetup: Wine, Art & Religion on Sunday, April 1st in Indianapolis

By Tahlib
INDIANA - On Sunday, April 1st, Ernest & Gregory Disneybritton will open their home to old friends (and new alike) for the first Indianapolis Religious Art Project "Meetup".

In the group's profile at Meetup.com, Ernest writes, "Our group is for people (believers & skeptics too) who have a passionate interest in religious art (Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, etc), and in exploring other faith traditions through their art.

Throughout human history, religion and art have been joined as part of the wider quest for meaning. That is why we need both. All are welcome to this conversation. After all, what is religious art but another way to understand each other, AND ourselves better?" For more information,call 317-755-8400; email the organizer/host at ernest@alphaomegaarts.org; or just RSVP at Meetup.com and have a great time.


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