The World Looks on in Shock as Islamist Extremists Destroy Africa's Historic Shrines

By Kelly Chan
The City of 333 Saints' Great Djingareyber Mosque in Timbuktu
MALI---This past weekend, the world watched in horror as Islamists from the al-Qaeda-linked group Ansar Dine razed centuries-old mausoleums in Timbuktu. While UNESCO has led the international outcry, calling for an immediate halt of the destruction spree that began last Saturday, a group of roughly 30 Ansar Dine Islamists, armed with axes, shovels, and automatic weapons, continued to carry out what they believe to be a divine order to destroy the idolatrous shrines of local saints. [link]


Why there is such hatred in the world is beyond me. Why can't we all at least respect was we individually value?? I value this, you don't have to understand or like it, but why make it your mission to destroy it??
The Destroyer takes every chance he can to sow his seeds of challenge to our divine nature. Our challenge is withstand his sowing and to continue to build toward the divine---one seed at a time.