Elderly Woman Who Botched Religious Fresco Demands Royalties

By Fiona Govan
Ecce Homo by 19th-century painter Elías García Martínez
on the walls of the church of Santuario de Misericordia. Photo: gawker.com
SPAIN---The elderly Spanish woman who ruined a religious fresco with her botched restoration is now demanding royalties from her work after it became an unlikely tourist attraction. Cecilia Gimenez, who is in her 80s, made headlines across the world after attempting a DIY restoration that left the 19th century fresco of Christ at her local church in Borja resembling a monkey. The altered image of Ecce Homo – Behold the Man – became an internet sensation and sent thousands of curious sightseers to the Sanctuario de Misericordia to laugh at her handiwork. Lawyers acting for Mrs Gimenez now insist she should be entitled to a cut of the profits, which she wants to go towards a charity of her choice. [link]


I don't agree. If her efforts made an improvement on the piece, then of course. Why should anyone get paid for mistakes!
I wonder if the old woman is being used by lawyers and family members? We will never know but there is a disconnect between her reported desire to help the church by doing the painting, and now asking for money for a botched effort. People.