Prayer Flags of Tibetan Monks Symbolize Interdependence
By Bob Sager
The Tibetan prayer flags are a kind of delivery system for good wishes, protection, and positive intentions. Tibetan prayer flags reflect the monks' belief that the point of being alive is to make good things happen for others. Everything is interconnected. Like the prayer flags, the monks themselves are a delivery system for a worldview that places compassion and interdependence at its center. Prayer flags, like the monks and nuns, have an inspiring simplicity and sanctity of purpose. The flags use the wind to deliver their karmic messages to whoever needs them. Using themselves for the betterment of all sentient beings, the monks let the winds of need decide their path. I'm hoping that after reading "Beyond the Robe", you will hang a prayer flag as a concrete baby step. [link]
By Bob Sager
The Tibetan prayer flags are a kind of delivery system for good wishes, protection, and positive intentions. Tibetan prayer flags reflect the monks' belief that the point of being alive is to make good things happen for others. Everything is interconnected. Like the prayer flags, the monks themselves are a delivery system for a worldview that places compassion and interdependence at its center. Prayer flags, like the monks and nuns, have an inspiring simplicity and sanctity of purpose. The flags use the wind to deliver their karmic messages to whoever needs them. Using themselves for the betterment of all sentient beings, the monks let the winds of need decide their path. I'm hoping that after reading "Beyond the Robe", you will hang a prayer flag as a concrete baby step. [link]