Arts Council CEO Dave Lawrence '90 Offers Funding Idea for Indy Organizations

INDIANA---Neal Taflinger reports, "On Wednesday night, the Arts Council announced a partnership with power2give, a crowd-funding site devoted to improving the fortunes of not-for-profit arts organizations. Indianapolis is the 12th market to use power2give and more than 60 organizations from throughout the eight-county area are promoting projects at Each proposal has 90 days to raise up to $10,000. 'This is not going to solve all funding-related problems,' said Lawrence, but is an attempt to connect with so-called Millenials, young people who prefer to give in small amounts online or via text." Dave Lawrence is a 1990 graduate of DePauw University, where he majored in communication. [link]


What an awesome event and Alpha Omega Arts is truly proud to be a part of Power2give!

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