Vatican Brings "Genesis" to Venice Biennale Art Show

The Vatican wants to hark back to the days when it commissioned 
great art, like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. Image courtesy of The Guardian
VATICAN CITY---The Vatican is getting back into its centuries-old tradition of arts patronage with its first-ever exhibit at the Venice Biennale, commissioning a biblically inspired show about creation, destruction and renewal for one of the world's most prestigious contemporary arts festivals. The Holy See on Tuesday unveiled details of its Venice pavilion, which opens June 1 and marks the Vatican's most significant step yet in a renewed effort to engage contemporary artists and intellectuals in ways that once created masterpieces such as the Sistine Chapel and Bernini Colonnade.  The Venice Biennale, which also features the famous summertime Venice film festival, runs through Nov. 24. [link]

The exhibit "Creation, Un-Creation, Re-Creation" does not include crucifixes or images of the Madonna or sacred objects, but instead explores other themes close to the church relating to "evil, destruction and sin." The three artists selected are:
  1. The Milan-based multimedia group "Studio Azzurro" was selected for the "Creation" part of the three-space exhibit. 
  2. Czech photographer Josef Koudelka provided the "Un-Creation" section, a series of 18 photos and three triptychs exploring destruction: war, environmental degradation, and the conflict between nature and industry. 
  3. The third installment, "Re-Creation," was given to Australian-born painter Lawrence Carroll, who often employs re-used materials in his work.  


This is amazing day for religious artists. It may signal a change of direction for all religious institutions.

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