For 50 Years, This Free Love Pioneer Has Painted The Beauty Of Female Sexuality

By Katherine Brooks
Dorothy Iannone, Let the Light from My Lighthouse Shine on You, 1981,
Privatsammlung Schweiz, © Dorothy Iannone, Foto: Jochen Littkemann, Courtesy Air de Paris, Paris
GERMANY---For over 50 years, Dorothy Iannone has been bringing the ethos of free love to the world of painting. A retrospective of Iannone's work just ended its run at the Berlinische Galerie, a show that paid homage to the artist's penchant for Buddhist and Tantric imagery. At 80 years old, Iannone is still a poster woman for the depths and possibilities of erotic art. While her naked, fornicating figures fell under the swift guillotine of 1960s censorship, today the octogenarian is running off of several straight years of gallery attention. No longer deemed "pornographic," Iannone's hailed as a "high priestess, matriarch, sex goddess." [link]

Dorothy Iannone, Brokeback Mountain, aus der Serie Movie People, 2010, Courtesy die Künstlerin, Air de Paris, Paris, und Peres Projects, Berlin, Foto: Hans-Georg Gaul
