Satanists to Hold Controversial Black Mass in Oklahoma on Sept. 21

By Meghan Keneally
One national Satanic group, The Satanic Temple, is pushing to have this statue (pictured) put up in the Oklahoma State Capitol. Another group with similar beliefs will be holding a black mass in Oklahoma City on Sept. 21, 2014.
OKLAHOMA---A devil-worshiping group hell-bent on hosting a satanic black mass is planning to go ahead with its controversial ceremony this month, despite fervent protests by residents of Oklahoma City and a lawsuit from the Catholic Church. The co-founder of Dakhma of Angra Mainyu told ABC News that the religious and educational organization decided to hold the black mass in public but it will be a “tamer” version than some traditional satanic ceremonies by, for example, substituting vinegar for acts involving urine to comply with state health laws. [link]

Civic Center Music Hall - CitySpace: Black Mass of Oklahoma (September 21, 7pm CDT); 201 North Walker Ave. Oklahoma City, OK; (405) 297-2264;