Meet Pardeep Singh Bahra, the Sikh Sartorialist

By Joanna Sugden
Pardeep Singh Bahra Singh Street Style
UNITED KINGDOM---Pardeep Singh Bahra says he never aimed to make the turban a fashion accessory.  The self-styled “turbaned fashion blogger” from the U.K. does though make the signature Sikh headdress a sartorial sine qua non for those who feature on his website. He teams it variously with sharp suits, bow ties, blazers, white slacks and leathers and features pictures of his outfits in entries on his blog, Instagram and Facebook FB +0.37%, on which he has over 100,000 likes. In the past year, on the back of the success of his blog, Mr. Bahra has featured in Vogue and Time and become the face of a Samsung Electronics 005930.SE +1.07% advertising campaign. [link]