The Morgan Celebrates Contemporary Illumination of Barbara Wolff

"Levithan Whom Thou Hast Formed" by Barbara Wolff from "You Renew the Face of the Earth:
Psalm 104" The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.1190, fol. 8 Photography by Rudi Wolff
NEW YORK---For many museum-goers the use of rich gold and silver leaf to illuminate religious texts is an artistic practice that began—and ended—centuries ago. However, the process in all of its precision and beauty continues to this day, and a new exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum highlights the work of celebrated contemporary artist Barbara Wolff. Titled "Hebrew Illumination for Our Time: The Art of Barbara Wolff," the show includes "You Renew the Face of the Earth: Psalm 104" and the "Rose Haggadah." [link]

Morgan Library & Museum: ""Hebrew Illumination for Our Time: The Art of Barbara Wolff," (February 6 to May 3, 2015); 225 Madison Avenue, New York, NY;
