Movie Review: In ‘The Intern,’ Hathaway’s the boss, but De Niro’s the star

By Manohla Dargis
In "The Intern," De Niro regularly attends Jewish funerals as part of his post-retirement life
HOLLYWOOD---Ms. Hathaway, who’s regularly forced to take Jules’s inner girl out for a sniffle and a sob, does her best, but it’s hopeless. Jules is less of a character and more of a fast-walking, speed-talking collection of gender grievances, some of which originate with a squirmy house husband Matt (Anders Holm). One look at that guy’s smile and you want Mr. De Niro to wipe it off. He doesn’t, but there’s no need to because Mr. De Niro owns the movie from the moment he opens his mouth, and is staring into the camera and right at you. (Oh, yes, he’s lookin’ at you.) You can’t look away, and soon you don’t want to. Certainly Ms. Meyers doesn’t want anyone to because, though she loves the idea of the successful, independent woman, she also ardently wants to make room for daddy. [link]