Man suing the Met for "Whitewashing” Jesus is missing the museum’s non-Aryan Jesuses

By Claire Voon
Double Diptych Icon Pendant from Ethiopia (early 18th century) (all images courtesy the Metropolitan Museum of Art unless otherwise noted)
NEW YORK---One New Yorker is suing the Metropolitan Museum of Art for displaying fair-skinned and blonde-haired artworks of Jesus Christ, claiming that they are racist and made him suffer from emotional distress. Jesus’ race has long been a subject of debate, but Joseph’s claim is especially outlandish as he simply ignores the fact that there are many, many different artistic interpretations of Jesus. ts Ethiopian gallery, which focuses on works that emerged after the African nation adopted Christianity in the fourth century, features an early 18th-century double diptych icon pendant of an olive-skinned Jesus child with curly black hair. [link]

Paul Gaugin, “la Orana Maria (Hail Mary)” (1891) (image via Wikipedia)
