Day #27 - Leonard Knight's "Salvation Mountain" #Lent2016

By Aaron Rosen
"Salvation Mountain" (1986-2014) by Leonard Knight (1931–2014) | USA. Adobe clay and paint. Niland, California
After a conversion experience in his mid-thirties, Knight spent the rest of his life looking for creative ways to proclaim his message of universal love. He began by creating a hot air balloon bedecked with prayers. When the balloom failed, he turned to building a mountain out of adoble-clay, which he coated with paint donated by visitors. Until his eighties he lived in an old fire truel parked beside the mountain. His philosophy: 'Love Jesus and keep it simple.' [page 105]

Lent is the annual Christian preparation for Easter. "Today's Art for Lent2016" features artworks that illustrate the Christian "Battle between Carnival and Lent."
