Jewish Group Wishes Peace And Beauty With Gift of Mural

By Susan Sarkauskas
Mosaic tile mural in honor of Fox Valley Jewish Neighbor’s 10th Anniversary. Located at 121 S. Third St. Geneva, IL
ILLINOIS---Fox Valley Jewish Neighbors celebrated its 10th anniversary in Geneva Monday night by giving the town a gift. It dedicated a 20-some-foot-long tile mural on its building at 121 S. Third St., honoring the common values of the Tri-Cities community and the beauty of the area. The six-panel mural was designed by artist Danielle Dobies of Aurora. She based it on drawings done by children who attend the center's Jewish School, as well as talks with adult members of the group. [link]

On Monday, June 6, Fox Valley Jewish Neighbors dedicated a mosaic tile mural as a gift to the community in honor of the organization's 10 years in Geneva.