By Karen Wong
Hieronymus Bosch. The Last Judgment. Courtesy of Museo Nacional del Prado. |
SPAIN---Five hundred years on, and its all about Bosch. With dozens of books published on the Flemish painter, new scholarship, and major museum exhibitions, the impact of the artist on popular culture is undeniable. I arrived at the Prado last week with high expectations. Making my way through the exhibition, in which paintings, drawings and etchings are distributed in seven themed-galleries, quiet whispers in Spanish, Japanese, French, and English betrayed the same delight and surprise I was feeling. Each of us had our own booklet that contained extended captions for each work, thus avoiding crowding around wall labels that often can create bottlenecks. [
Hieronymus Bosch. The Ascent of the Blessed. Courtesy of Museo Nacional del Prado |