Indiana Poet Laureate Norbert Krapf's Christmas greeting of light
The Bringer of Light
By Norbert KrapfNow there is a Christmas tree standing
in the living room in front of the door
to the balcony, and a little boy holds
a string of lights to help his daddy light
their little corner of the world. Peyton
Benjamin Werner Lamm is two and holding
the light to his face, bathing himself in it,
holding it up to his German-American Opa,
so that no one will be left out. He is our
little bringer of light into a world that
so easily goes dark. Both the light he
holds and the smile he gives help us
see better what our blessings are,
what we might be able to give others,
and what his life and light give to us.
Courtesy of Norbert Krapf