Brazilian art show sets off dispute that mirrors political battles

By Elisa Wouk Almino
Fernando Baril, “Cruzando Jesus Cristo com Deusa Schiva” (1996) (photo by F.Zago Studio Z)
In early August, the cultural center Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre, Brazil, opened an exhibition on queer art. Featuring 85 artists and 263 artworks ranging from the mid-20th century to today, Queermuseum: Queer Tactics Toward Non-Heteronormative Curating was anchored, as curator Gaudêncio Fidelis put it in the catalogue, “in a concept we believe dearly: diversity observed under the aspects of variety, plurality, and difference.” The exhibition featured prominent artists such as Lygia Clark, Cândido Portinari, and José Leonilson, alongside lesser known, contemporary ones. It was the first major exhibition dedicated to queer art in Brazil — until it was shut down yesterday, September 10, almost one month before its planned end date. [More]
Felipe Scandelari’s artwork “Last Resort” was among the images included in an art exhibition on gender and sexual diversity that was canceled in Brazil.