Unified forms: an image taken from Light of Unity. Photo credit: Anita Beikpour |
Silk doorways, symmetrical patterns and a giant portrait of St Francis of Assisi have all found a home at
A-side B-side Gallery in Hackney as part of a week long exhibition that celebrates unity. Artists contributing to the Light of Unity exhibition hail from all over the world – from Hackney to Hong Kong – and though diverse in form, the works have all been created in response to one line: “So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth”. This line is from the writings of Baha’u’llah, the prophet founder of the Baha’i Faith, and this exhibition has been organised by local Baha’is to mark the 200th anniversary of his birth. In August, the Hackney Baha’i community put a call out to artists to participate in the exhibition. [