For Ernest Disney-Britton, ArtPrize is a great place to find artists worth collecting

Ernest Disney-Britton is surrounded by works he has collected during his travels including last year's "The Next Supper" by William Fristch. It is a print acquired during ArtPrize 2017. (upper right)
Every September, Gregory and Ernest Disney-Britton sets out for ArtPrize in Grand Rapids to find one artist whose work he'd love to bring home to Indianapolis. For 19 days, close to 1,700 artists from around the world display their work in Grand Rapids and compete for $500,000 in cash prizes—decided equally by public vote and expert jury. There is also an large percentage of the work with religious themes and messages, although much of that is bad art, some of the pieces have been exceptional. Past entries have included Mako Fujimura's "Walking the Water" and Anila Quayyum Agha's "Intersections," two artists whose related works are now also in the Disney-Britton collection. Last year Gregory took home William Fritsch's "The Next Supper" inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper." It's a print of a larger drawing that was on display in Metropolitan Community Church, one of the 200+ venues for ArtPrize.