Artist Tapan Dash's impressions of the mind

PONTANEOUS APPROACH: A painting by Tapan Dash
There is no direct reference to the popular Jagannath Temple in Puri in Tapan Dash’s solo show ‘Expressions of Inner Journeys’. But indirect references to one of the char-dham pilgrimages are abundant in the colourful figurative paintings. The elephants are a recurring motif and so are priests who can easily be identified by a broad patch of ‘tilak’ on their foreheads. An image of a goddess and walloping horses also appear in some of the canvases. The Delhi-based artist admits he has deliberately refrained from having a direct link. “The works are a recollection of my thoughts and what I observed in the temple. I have borrowed from my faded memories to create a body of works which also hints at a spiritual journey,” says Tapan. [More]
