By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
Kara Walker, Allegory of the Obama Years by Kara E. Walker (2019). © Kara Walker, courtesy of Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York.
Our entire sector will be harmed by COVID-19, but the gravest harm will be to the hourly workers at our museums, and none more than people of color. Recent research suggests that 55% of those hospitalized will be black compared to 26% of whites. Also, too many of these low-wage workers, who are disproportionately people of color, do not have sick-leave or insurance. However, there is hope because arts worker-based relief is being created by local arts advocates. Such Obama-like hope, "as dark clouds close in," makes Kara Walker our artist of the week.
Artist Kara Walker (b. 1969, California). Image courtesy of Tate Museum.
NEWS OF 2008-2019 from across the USA, and around the world:
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Kara Walker, Barack Obama as “An African” With a Fat Pig (by Kara Walker) (2019). © Kara Walker, courtesy of Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York.
Kara Walker's Barack Obama Tormented Saint Anthony Putting Up With the Whole “Birther” Conspiracy (2019). © Kara Walker, courtesy of Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York.
Kara Walker, Barack Obama as Othello "The Moor" With the Severed Head of Iago in a New and Revised Ending by Kara E. Walker (2019). © Kara Walker, courtesy of Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York.