Famous Shoe Designer Christian Louboutin Explores World's Treasures

By Christian Louboutin
Standing bodhisattva, 1st to 3rd centuries. Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet Credit: Thierry Ollivier / RMN-GP
Christian Louboutin is CNN Style's new guest editor. He's commissioned a series of stories on the topic of "Journeys. Below are excerpts from 'Christian Louboutin, the Exhibition(ist)' published by Rizzoli: "The Greek Macedonian sculptors who were with Alexander the Great looked at this Indo-Buddhist statuary, which was already very accomplished, and were fascinated. And from that, the Macedonian sculptors would derive nourishment and inspiration from this local statuary, so that in this area there was a marriage of Hellenistic art and Indo-Buddhist art that produced a type of Indo-Hellenistic statuary that's known today as Gandhāran art." [More]
Standing bodhisattva, 1st to 3rd centuries. Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet Credit: Thierry Ollivier / RMN-GP