7 Steps to Philanthropy's Remaking of the Arts Operating Model After Coronavirus

By Mike Scutari
As arts funders navigate the opening stages of what will be a prolonged effort to stem the impact of COVID-19, many are already looking beyond the pandemic. As A Blade of Grass Executive Director Deborah Fisher told me, “In the long term, I think that there are much bigger questions about how arts economies function and how they are valued. This is something that philanthropy and arts institutions can and should meaningfully address together.” What should this conversation look like? I recently broached this question to a cross-section of foundations, nonprofits and arts advocates. New York Foundation for the Arts executive director Michael L. Royce summed up respondent sentiment best: “The crisis only underscores how vulnerable our cultural infrastructure really is.” [More]
  1. Build a Stronger Streaming Presence 
  2. Support Virtual Operations 
  3. Guide Efforts to Better Articulate Impact 
  4. Double-down on Advocacy 
  5. Recruit New Advocates 
  6. Solve the Inequity Dilemma 
  7. Loosen Up