RELIGIOUS ART | NEWS OF WEEK -- Artist Patrick Dougher

By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
Patrick Dougher's “We are funding our own oppression” (Black Disaster Capitalism III)-Collage/Acrylic on paper- 10” x 10”
Before COVID-19 living on Zoom, we were already collecting faces. Not the awkward photos of Olan Mills, but impressionistic portraits that reveal an inner significance. We see it daily in the Heinrich Hofmann print in our Jesus Room, and we saw it this week in the portraits of self-taught artist Patrick Dougher. His Instagram is loaded with portraits, including recent collages of poised subjects masked with halos reflecting both their personal significance and the significance of this moment. Patrick Dougher's masked portraits are our collector tip of the week.

NEWS OF 2008-2019 from across the USA, and around the world:
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Artist Patrick Dougher
“BODEGA SAINT”(Pandemic Style) Collage/ Acrylic on paper- 8” x 10”
“BLACK DISASTER CAPITALISM” Collage/Acrylic on paper- 8” x 10”