By TAHLIB, Curator
The Labyrinth in New Harmony, Indiana
With fewer than 800 residents today, New Harmony, Indiana was created by the Harmonists in the 1800s. These Christians believed that Adam was originally created with both sexes, and when the female portion was separated to form Eve, disharmony followed. The Harmonist solution was a life of celibacy while building a new utopia. This weekend, it's also been my birthday place. We spent the weekend taking leisurely strolls with our dog, daily scoops of artisan ice cream, and touring its little churches. There are a few unique art galleries, plenty of public art, and walking trails and labyrinths for prayers. The A&O logo was born here, and that's why the hedge "Labyrinth" is our NEWS OF WEEK.
In other religious art news from across the USA, and around the world:
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