ALPHA OMEGA ARTS [AOPrize Finalist: Click to Vote]
By ErnestGregory Disney-Britton
"LOVE" (1966) by Robert Indiana. Collection of Indianapolis Museum of Art
Everyone knows Robert Indiana (American, 1928-) for his LOVE painting and sculpture. As a celebrated Pop artist, he uses flat, graphic manipulation of words, symbols, colors and spaces to bounce off one another in dynamic relationships. But did you also know the creator is an openly gay artist from Indiana, and that the inspiration for his art is Christian rather than sexual? Robert Indiana grew up in the purest tradition of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Their churches have no religious decoration, except perhaps a simple inscription such as "God Is Love." This summer, the Indianapolis Museum of Art presents Robert Indiana's Christian inspired work in a group exhibition, "The 19 Stars of Indiana Art: A Bicentennial Celebration."

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