
Showing posts from June, 2018

British Museum's new Islamic culture gallery to feature finest examples of Turkish, Ottoman art

Leonardo's earliest surviving work? Self-portrait as Archangel Gabriel unveiled

Why have there been no great Black art dealers?

Saudi Prince donates $10 million to Berlin’s Museum of Islamic Art

Spiritual connection inspires Hanna Dettman’s Jewish-themed art

The Kashmiri art bringing Hindus and Muslims together

Beyond stereotypes: how Iranian art is challenging preconceptions

It’s not an art collection, it's the life of the director of the Jewish Museum in Manhattan

‘Epic Tales From Ancient India’ Art Review: Stories told in all their pplendor

13 artists on: immigration

An Italian city at the crossroads examines migration, through art

Frescos make South Solon Meeting House a national treasure

Life on the Margins in LGBT Africa: "God Knows Us. God Love's Us"

Why do arts funding racial disparities remain so stark?

Works by finalists of Jameel Prize for contemporary Islamic Art at UK's Victoria & Albert Museum

Collector Charlotte Wagner's personal gallery of social justice

Art project expected to facilitate China-U.S. exchanges

Collector Lio Malca exhibits two video works by Bill Viola in Ibiza

Approaching the divine at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco

Photographer Mark Seliger likes inspiration as a roommate


Ramon Maiden tattoos Christ, the Virgin Mary and other Christian images

Sister Corita Kent turned banal slogans into spiritual silkscreen

Benjamin West's "Noah Sacrificing after the Deluge" at the San Antonio Museum of Art permanent collection

San Antonio Museum of Art presents a dramatic survey of five hundred years of Spanish painting

Blum & Poe announces the representation of Los Angeles-based artist Mimi Lauter

Restorers unveil original face of Belgium's 'Mystic Lamb'

James M. Reed Print Collection now at the Fairfield University Art Museum

10 Black Male Artists to Collect Including Two Indy Artists

Dali's 'Christ of St. John of the Cross' back on show at Kelvingrove Museum

A janitor preserves the seized rosaries and pocket Bibles of Mexican migrants

South African artist, Mikhael Subotzky’s priests in Artporn Magazine


Blurring the lines between the real and virtual world

The dread-inducing work of Weimar's Jewish artists

Museum of the Bible finds big audience in bustling D.C.

Carving the Buddha—the same way—for 1,400 years

2018 Spring fundraising campaign for Religion News Service

Perth artist wins Australia's $25K Christian art prize with "God is in the House"

Olivia Fraser's thousand splendid lotuses

Australia's other religious art award, the Blake Prize 2018 is depressing

Artistic elegies for the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting

Hindu family’s Korans shine at Srinagar’s Ramzan expo

Remembering M.F. Husain, the godfather of modern Indian art

The origins of the Reformation Bible via Jerome and Augustine

Inverted crosses installed by Dark Mofo festival offend some in Christian community

Denmark passes law banning Islamic niqab and burqa face veils