Draft Letters to Jason from Renee

I disagree with what you are saying. If Moms home was that much of a concern it would not be in the shape it is in now. There is another reason behind all this, all of a sudden this property and Britton togetherness is important. That home is not who I am.... Mom is. Mom and my Father are in my heart thats were they will always be. Uncle Sam and Aunt Kayes home has been the home that we all gather at now. I think this is a bunch of crap if your family feels like you all need to have this property then say so, don't try to make it out to be a family community thing.
My brother and I were the first grandkids and I trully think that if anyone would want to save this property it would be us. None of the brothers have wanted to save the house? Your father is the only one that wants it for real. Now Is Tiffany the only one that can save this property? we will never know because she is the only one willing to put money into a home that a lot of us have let go of years ago. Our legacy is the Britton name not Madisonville. And yes there is something to get out of this......some one will have a home!!!

Love your cousin Renee


Tahlib said…
I love your note Renee. It is right on point but Gina, Verdell and Aunt Kaye asked that we not "stoop to their level." Also as of last night, we have a plan:

1. Aunt Kaye will send a note out asking all to sign the deed over to her.
2. Verdell has gotten Aunt Carlene/Uncle Charlie plus Roz/Luke to agree to sign it over to Kaye.
3. Verdell will sign over to Aunt Kaye. I decided not to rub it in their face by having her sign it to me. I figured if I did that it would only make it harder to get their signature.
4. After everyone, including Oscar, has signed over the Aunt Kaye, then you and I can send our letters. (don't tell Gina, Verdell or Aunt Kaye that part - lol). I just don't want to rock the boat for now.

Btw, Aunt Kaye doesn't have the money for this but I think if we NON-Michigan Brittons can pool some funds it'll get her there. Mike & Kevin are in. Gina too and of course Greg and me. We'll likely give $500. How about I put you and Mike down for $25 and if you want to give more you can. I am continuing to re-write and add things to my letter. D-Day is June 20 (Father's Day).

I love you.

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