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Showing posts from June, 2013
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Box Office Report: 'The Heat' Crushing 'White House Down,' Eyeing $39 Million Debut
Movie Review: "Lone Ranger" Can't Quite Pull it Off
‘The Mystic Black Body’, Photographs by Maïmouna Guerresi in France
Buddhist Group Outraged by 'Fallen Buddha' in Munich
Artist Winter Ross's Work Removed From SMU-in-Taos Show
Exporting Enlightenment: How the Buddha Became Chinese
God Squad: What is Made in 'God's Image'?
Bert and Ernie Cuddle Over Supreme Court Ruling
Hindu Artist Chitra Ganesh is Artist-in-Residence at Bose Pacia in New York City
San Francisco's Jewish Museum Explores Modern Art Through Spiritual Lens
Hindu Activist from Nevada Complains About Play in Minneapolis
Dallas Museum of Art Announces Plans for ‘Major Traveling Exhibition of Islamic Art and Culture’
Kickstar Helps Build Alex and Allyson Grey"s Art Temple
Visiting Buddhist Myanmar, Before It's Too Late
'Muslim Journeys' Art Exhibit Portrays Islamic Culture at Colorado Museum
William Gropper, Anti-Semitic Artist, that Hitler Made Love Jews
Conteptual Masterpieces Moving Believers Forward by Niccolo Cosme
The 2,600-year-old Cyrus Cylinder Now on Display at the Metroplitan Museum of Art
Gay Rights Advocates Predict National Victory by 2018
Official Says Nelson Mandela on Life Support; Pres. Zuma Cancels Travel Plans
Warhol Foundation Grants Opportunity for Defending Artist Rights
U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Behalf of Marriage Protections for Gays
An Era for Making Sacred Glass Coming to End in Indianapolis
Himalayan Buddhist Art 101: Controversial Art, Ithyphallic Deities
Suburbs vs. Downtown Mosaics of Sacred Space
How Much Do You Know About Religion? Take The Pew Quiz
New Superman Continues History of Casting Religious Shadows
Public Art and Antiracism Organizing
Movie Preview: "White House Down" -- Opening June 28
Call for Artists: Islamic Contemporary Art Show in Massachusetts
Auction of Fine Judaica at Kestenbaum & Company, Last Thursday
Once an African Slave, Now a God in India
Exporting Enlightenment: How the Buddha Came to Japan
$10,000 Cleveland Art Prize Goes to Religious Artist, Douglas Maz Utter
ACLU Files Suit Against Evansville, IN for Display of Plastic Crosses
Islamic Art Rises in the 2013 Venice Biennale
A Pakistani Artist’s Blood Red Display at NYC's Metropolitan Museum of Art
Demon Merchandising of Buddies: Buddha & Jesus, in Japan
India's Raqib Shaw Has First Exhibition in the Czech Republic
Famed Shaolin Temple Going Global With Los Angeles Debut
Movie Review: These Dead Don’t Walk. They Run.
Where is Jewish Art Now? Rising, Declining, or Neither?
Artists Offer Fresh Takes on Traditional Judaica in California
Today's Holydays with Art: Summer Solstice 2013
Picasso is the Answer to a Society That No Longer Believes in God
Like Letters in the Alphabet: Why So Many Gods in Hinduism
Making The Case For The Arts As A Jewish Communal Priority
Extremist Buddhist Monks Target Religious Minorities
Would Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad Agree that Obesity is a Disease?
Buddhist Monks Accused of Sexually Molesting Boys
Superman Spirituality: Is Hollywood Manipulating Christians?
From the Golden Calf to Gezi Park: Religious Imagery and Modern Protest
A Mexican Artist of Jewish Ascent Exhibits a Portrait of His Rabbi
“Families Are Families" Shows the Journey of Devout Mormon Parents to Accept their Young Gay Son
Superman As Hindu God? Nevada's Well Known Hindu Activist is Offended
Extremists Press Blasphemy Cases in a New Egypt
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