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Showing posts from December, 2015
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Have a "Mary" Christmas this year! We'll be back on January 6, 2016
Colombian artist Maria Berrio’s "Nativity" is exotic and ornamental
Biblical art, like Christianity, is always renewing itself
Head to Canada for the "(In)visible: The Spiritual World of Taiwan"
Gay pride-themed "Festivus" poles have popped up across the U.S.
Perfect holiday date: Religious art at the Springville Museum of Art
The plastic Nativity scenes we know today go back to the Middle Ages
Starting with the Renaissance, artists produced diverse depictions of the Nativity
The sacred and psychedelic multimedia art of Lala Abaddon
Great Britain's break with Catholicism smashed its nativity scene moment
The complex meaning behind Christmas’s most enduring symbol
The first Christmas Nativities linked both birth and the death
'The Many Faces of Christ': Forgotten gospels are part of Christianity, too
Rare holiday crèche on display at Art Institute of Chicago
"Kongo: Power and Majesty" at the Metropolitan Museum Art ends January 3rd
Medieval theology is the antidote to the Islamic State’s religious ideology
Artist Murakami wields imagination on a massive scale
Virginia county closes schools as Islam assignment prompts parents’ backlash
Protestant church celebrates Star Wars with sci-fi Sunday service
Metropolitan Museum of Art explores iconic Van Eyck diptych
Mother Teresa is officially becoming a Christian saint
Taharqa is the Nubian King who saved the Jewish people
Star Wars is indeed back as "The Force Awakens"
Christmas is a time to reflect on the "God Gulf" on religious oppression
One God to rule them all: Faith After the Pharaohs at the British Museum
Lampedusa Cross will be British Museum director's final aquisition
It's time to create a new "Gospel of Wealth" that addresses "Inequality"
Must I collect my artist friends work even if I don't like it?
Artlist's CEO Kenneth Schlenker explores $3,000 price-point for new collectors
Pope’s visit boosts charitable giving, survey finds
Artlyst's top artists and art stories of 2015
Tyler Perry to host live musical about Jesus on Fox TV
James Turrell's "Meeting" skyspace in Queens, NY to reopen this summer
Christian college professor Is disciplined after remarks supporting Muslims
Senegal, a peaceful Islamic democracy, is jarred by fears of extremist groups
Artist J. Kirk Richards illustrates New Testament stories
NYC to release report on diversity of arts groups
In American mosques, growing safety concerns — and more armed guards
Jeff Wall's huge triptych evokes the altarpieces of the European Renaissance
Sikh soldier allowed to keep beard in rare exception by U.S. Army
Hozier's incredible new version of a "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen"
Imranovi's graphic art tackles the horrors of the bloody Syrian civil war
Black Icons of the Bible by James C. Lewis in time for Christmas
Home of the Isenheim Altarpiece reopens with new galleries for contemporary art
In ‘Mark Rothko: From the Inside Out,’ a son writes about his father
History shows how angry words by Christians led to violence against Jews
Peter Doig's portals to mythic worlds now at Michael Werner Gallery
Yoram Raanan's "Menorah Six" is art for the soul
Fashion & style at Los Angeles churches is making worship...hip
An overdose of American Christmas leads to a bigger Hanukkah, and more
Worshipping mother as God an inherent part of Hindu culture
Movie Review: Watching 'Chi-Raq' during Advent is just messy
Movie Review: In ‘The Tainted Veil,’ the Hijab is debated
Movies Review: In ‘The Big Short,’ a morality play about Wall Street
Movie Review: ‘Don Verdean,’ a sendup of ambitious pastors and the lure of religious relics
Movie Review: ‘In the Heart of the Sea,’ It’s man vs. leviathan
Korea announces $1 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pantone’s Color(s) of the Year reflect gender equality and fluidity
Hyperallergic conversation with Mark Bradford on AIDS, abstraction, and absent bodies
Conservative groups' lawsuit says Indiana's religious freedom law fix is unconstitutional
Indy is one of 15 places in the world to host "Star Wars," the 70mm IMAX version
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