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Showing posts from September, 2020
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This BYU Grad is Making Religious Art More Inclusive for People of Color
Rebel US Artist Puts Black Lives in the Renaissance Frame
Indian Museum Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Renamed After Hindu King
Kudzanai-Violet Hwami | Apollo 40 Under 40 Africa | In Focus | Apollo Magazine
‘Homeland Elegies’ Sings for a Fading Dream of National Belonging
A Glorious Elijah Pierce Exhibit at the Barnes Foundation Brings Us Temptation, Salvation, Grace
RELIGIOUS ART | NEWS OF WEEK -- Collecting Ben Smith
American Art Collector - Issue #179 - A Collector’s Sanctuary
Seeing Our Own Reflection in the Birth of the Self-Portrait
Delay of Philip Guston Retrospective Divides the Art World - The New York Times
What I Buy & Why: Bangladeshi Collector Durjoy Rahman on Why He Loves Impractical Art
Philip Guston Blockbuster Show Postponed by Four Museums
Archibald prize 2020: Vincent Namatjira named winner for portrait of Adam Goodes
Our Personal Scars Can Help Others Heal | Christianity Today
Leap of Faith. How Mark Rothko Reimagined Religion | Apollo Magazine
In Dark Times, I Sought Out the Turmoil of Caravaggio’s Paintings
‘Faith Healer’ Review: Michael Sheen Stirs the Embers in the Ashes - The New York Times
Playing Jesus in a Pandemic Summer - The New York Times
Tantra: Enlightenment to Revolution at British Museum, London
Made in St. Louis: Her Art Goes Beyond Jewish Paper Cutting She's Known For
RELIGIOUS ART | NEWS OF WEEK - Collecting Adam Russell
Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper’s Wholesome Team-Up
Art and the Franco-Prussian War | Apollo Magazine
The Black Collectors Who Championed African-American Art during the U.S. Civil War
LACMA Unveils New Interior Views of Controversial Zumthor Building
A Stained-Glass Gift, From God and Gerhard Richter
Jacob Lawrence, Peering Through History’s Cracks
Christian worship leader Sean Feucht brings prayer rallies to Kenosha
Fwd: Masterpieces in detail
In Barcelona, Sagrada Familia Completion Date Delayed by Pandemic
The Artist Whose Medium Is Science
Brooklyn Museum to Sell 12 Works as Pandemic Changes the Rules
Two Exceptional Single-Owner Collections Come to Auction
God is beyond race and gender. It’s time our sacred art is too
How Queer Art is Changing Hindu Conversations Around the LGBTQIA + Community
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