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Showing posts from January, 2014
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Behind the Poster: ‘Yentl’ at the Cleveland Play House
How Jesus Saved the Arts in Detroit
A Pioneer of Street Photography Leaves Behind Strong Images of Indian Women
Art in Review: Arahmaiani's ‘Fertility of the Mind
Christian Youth Theater is the Largest Youth Theater Group in America
Nation's First "Free" Museum Membership Program is a Hit in Dallas
Anila Quayyun Agha is Finalist for the 3rd Annual See.Me : Year In Review Competition
Vermont's Fleming Museum of Art Presents Provocative Contemporary Tibetan Art
4,000 Year Old Tablet of God Flooding the World Predates Noah's Ark
San Antonio's McNay Art Museum to Host "Paul Strand: The Mexican Portfolio" Exhibition
Detroit Art Museum Offers Plan to Pay $100 Million for its Freedom
Bonfire Lit on Steps of Ukrainian Museum as Violent Protests Rock Capital
Art Enthusiasts Mourn Loss of Islamic Artifacts in Cairo Bomb Blast
Surreal Art Bug of Anida Yoeu Ali Offers Insights Into Buddhism
Would This Be Hitler's Favorite Holocaust Book?
Philip Campbell's "Burning Boats" Sailing Into the Unknown Ends on January 31
Potters for the Hungry Helps Catholic Charities Raise Funds to Benefit the Hungry
Indiana Arts Groups Lobby Against Gay Discrimination on Their State "Arts Day"
Obama Highlights Marriage in State of the Union
Golden "Love" For Our 6th Wedding Anniversary in Indiana
Cincinnati Arts Groups Take Spiritual Pilgrimages
Russian Orthodox Church to be Built on Seine River in Paris
Kansas Considers New "Religious Freedom" Attack on Gay Marriage
Indiana House Amends HJR-3, Possibly Delaying Gay Marriage Referendum
Hinduism's Shiva: One of the 5 Primary Forms of God
Monday's "Madonna & Child" Leads Christie's Renaissace Sale
Holocaust Told in One Word, 6 Million Times
Grammys: Macklemore Performs 'Same Love' As 33 Couples Wed Live on Air
Detroit Art Museum Struggles to Find Right Balance in Giving to Fund
Spain Slashes Sales Tax on Art; From 21% to 10% to Stimulate the Cultural Industry
Birds Attack Peace Doves Freed From Pope's Window
Antonio Canova: A Sensualist Finds Religion at Metropolitan Museum of Art
Movie Review: iFrankenstein is a Biblical Sci-Fi Rock Opera
Lovely to See (and Sing): Sacred Music Pages at Les Enluminures Gallery
Indiana Interchurch Center Explores the Ways of Worship Around the World
'Blasphemous' Play Cancelled in Ireland by Christian Politicians
Pentagon OKs Religion-based Grooming Standards
Judge Denies Detroit Creditors’ Bid for New Art Assessment
Republican Governor Pledges $350M to save Detroit Art Collection, and Pensions
Seeing Candy as a Path to Believing, by Jonathon Rivers
A Kabbalah for Architects? New Books Posit a Uniquely Jewish Theory of Building
Exclusive: Marisa Martin examines claim that Christian art fuels anti-Semitism
Chagall's 'Allegory of an Age of Terror'
Down to Earth: Li Chen (李真) is Fascinated with Buddhism
Li Hongbo's Paper Sculptures Stretch the Imagination
Saudi's Announce Quran Oasis Among 13 Cultural Projects for Madinah
Arts Council of Indianapolis Joins Christian Theologicial Seminary in Opposing Discrimination
'Rains Came Down' exhibit on Hilton Head Island to feature depictions of Noah's Ark
African Literary Agency Sponsors Workshop for Christian Artists
Florence Portfolio on Display at Dordt College
Why Have Art Historians Been Silent About the Falsification of Biblical History in Artworks?
Blanton Museum Tour Explores Symbolism Behind Paintings
Marc Chagall’s Jesus Paintings Focus of Jewish Museum Exhibit
Century-Old Jewish Mural's Hidden History in Vermont
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