Oscar Letter Version #1 (short/private)

Dear Oscar:

Thanks for revealing your true colors yesterday. It was a brilliant display of lies, attacks and misinformation. I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to read it. It's finally out in the open and we will see whose argument wins support. I'd offer a wager but I know that when you lose you'll declare bankruptcy anyway.

If you think you need to continue, I am more than happy to bring more people into the ring of Emails to watch your tantrum. Maybe some will even join in. Everyone knows you are a blustering, delusional former bully, emphasis on "former". You won no one over to your side but I am grateful to you for prompting the Emails of support I received after your tirade. Thank you.

I warn you though that I will not be such a gentleman the next time. I will no longer communicate as if I respect my Elders. Next time, I will not Email you privately. The next time, you act an ass, I will rain down on your delusional life like a tornado. You've shown your ass but it's your face we all have seen. If you try it again, I will pull off the rest of your clothes.




Tahlib said…
[Verdell said] Ern..Please don't stoop to his level..Put your anger in God hands and leave it there. We will not let this distroy us. If you want me to..I'll put your name in place of mine..I am sick of this mess.
Tahlib said…
[Gina said] You know your relationship with him more than I do...sounds harsh, but if it's how you feel, nothing I can say. Did that really come from you? Lol :) I might not "warn" him...that sentence sounds like some sort of threat. Question: What do you hope to gain by sending this e-mail? What do think you'll lose? Just asking.

It sounds angry...almost like you've tried to turn the other cheek over the years on the outside, but that there is still a place inside of you that was really hurt by the whole situation. In the spirit of you, I might get all that off my chest, but maybe indicate that you forgive his imperfections as a person and wish him peace. Hate for that to be the last exchange between the two of you and something happens to him, or you. My two cents...also this letter should not be shared w/the family...should be directed to.him...it's up to him to play the "chain e-mail" game...
Tahlib said…
[AuntKaye said] I think is direct and to the point, you have to call them as you see them. Good job!