Oscar Letter Version #2 (Long/Public)


Yesterday afternoon's exchange was sad but funny at the same time. You are like an old bully who has been hurt and must flail around striking in any direction regardless of the truth. You even brought my mom into it, and that was the most laughable. You emailed so many things that were untrue as you deliberately tried to mislead people into supporting your warped point of view. It's sad. For instance, you gave the impression that Gina gave money towards the $3,000 but she didn't. You say that Gina is using Aunt Kaye as a realtor but she isn't. You are too old for all these deceptions. I am too grown for it. If it weren't so laughable, it would be sad.

Let's assume for a moment, that you didn't sign anything agreeing to repay the loan 20 years ago (that's what you've said). Also, let's assume that it was for only $7,000. What kind of idiot would hand over $7000 without a written agreement?  Not me and not you. You say you never signed anything but then declare bankruptcy anyway? What sense does that make? It's just one lie after another to the point of being ridiculous. Mom Britton used to excuse you by saying, he's a bully but he means no harm. She let you get away with it. She said that even after you struck me and knocked me down for being Gay. As I lay there on the grass, it didn't feel like "no harm" to me. How could I trust you after that? I trusted you because my Dad urged it, but afterwards he regretted it.

How could anyone believe the man who would sneak into his just deceased mother's home at night when no one knew, and load up furnishings into their car to take back to Michigan. My Dad didn't know. Uncle Sam didn't know. You stole those things. You even stole the salt-n-pepper shakers Mom Britton promised to my sister. Lies and deception over and over again to get what you want. Thirty years later, the son you've denied for his entire life reappears and you create stories to legitimize your actions. It's pitiful.

No one but your own children trusts you, and that is sad. Uncle Sam stopped, and my Dad was so disappointed in you, he told me it hurt him. They both blamed Aunt Joan but it was always you. My Dad wanted to trust you so I never told him the horrible things you said about his new bride's character on their wedding day. The awful, nasty things you said that day about our Step Mother had my sister and I in tears but no more. You are an old bully, a braggart, a bad liar, (an awful typist) but a darn good curser. I can still hear you yelling over the phone, 20 years ago, "I want my fuckin $20,000." Back then you told everyone it was to save a house, which you lost anyway, and now 20 years later you say it was $7,000 for Tiffany's tuition. If you are going to lie, at least stick to the same lie.

What did hurt me back then was that you never apologized.

You never tried to explain but I am glad I held up my end of the bargain. Mike and I got you the money when you couldn't get, and then you reneged on the loan we made to you. Just for the record, with my Dad's counsel, Mike and I repaid to the bank the portion of the 5222 Kenwood equity loan that we added on top of your request. He said it was the right thing to do, and we did it. Also, just for the record, we didn't need that money to buy the house that's currently for sale in Hyde Park. That was bought 10 years later! It just shows that you will talk, talk, lie, lie, disappoint and lie to get what you want.

My only regret today is that you've cost me Tiffany and Jason, but hell, you need somebody to love you.


Tahlib said…
[gina said] [gina said] Very direct, but take the section about me out totally. I do not think it's needed to get your point across to him. It's pretty harsh, but probably needs to be said. Probably 20 years in the making. You are correct...it will cost you Jason, Tiffany and I suppose Tonie...if he shares the e-mail with them. Would it be important to say despite everything, and the hurt felt by all parties, I forgive you and wish you the best...?

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