The Religiousity of Andy Warhol

Was Andy Warhol a religious artist? That and other questions about Warhol's last decade (died at 58) will be explored in an exhibition coming to the Brooklyn Museum entitled, "Andy Warhol: The Last Decade." The show originated in Milwaukee and will open in Brooklyn on June 18.

One of the many surprises shared by the Rueter's reporter, Simon Walker in his article on the show is Warhol's religiousity:
"Only his closest confidants knew he was a religious person and frequently went to Mass," said Sharon Matt Atkins, coordinating curator of the Brooklyn Museum exhibit "Andy Warhol: The Last Decade," which opens on June 18.Little known is that Warhol attended church in the plush, Upper East Side of Manhattan, a world away from his famed downtown Factory studio complex, frequented by the eccentric and outlandish, In his middle age, he began exploring religious themes in his art."After Warhol turned 50, he began a reassessment of his career," Atkins said. "We also start to see Warhol reflecting on the inevitability of his own death."In the year before he died -- at age 58 in 1987 -- Warhol created more than 100 works that were offshoots of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" fresco in Milan. (Read All)
