(Mark 3:31-34) Love Makes a Family

When Jesus revealed to his family that he was different and that he had a special mission in life, they did not understand. When his parents found Jesus in the Temple, they were surprised and said exactly what a lot of parents say to gay children when they come out: "How could you do this to us! We have been looking for you sorrowing (lit. "in great pain")." Jesus did not apologize to his parents for "coming out" and acting on who he really was. He simply said that he had to be his true self and left it at that. While we must keep the 4th Commandment, "Honor thy Mother & thy Father," we do not have a similar obligation for other family members distinct from our community as a whole. Even in Matthew 8:21-22 when "Another of the disciples said to Jesus, Sovereign, let me first go and bury my father." Jesus responded, "Follow me; and let the dead bury the dead." When we consider who is our family, we should consider what Christ said about his own, asking, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" And looking about on those who were sitting around him Jesus said, "Look! Here are my mother and my brothers [his closely selected friends]." (Mark 3:31-34).


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