N. Christian | Columbus, IN

By Ernest Disney-Britton
INDIANA---In 1964, the Disciples of Christ (DoC) opened this world class "Gods Art Museum" designed by Eero Saarinen. It's a beautifully focused and accessible modern place to worship that is rich with biblical symbolism and warm despite being built from concrete and steel. My husband and I worshiped at North Christian Church in Columbus, Indiana last weekend and would love to go back.

The hexagonal shape is symbolic of the Star of David. The Communion Table consists of 13 wooden tables--one for each apostle and a large one for Christ. The Oculus shines moon light right down onto the altar and is a reminder that, "We are Christian, but we are not the only Christians." Having never been to a DoC service, I felt service had a very Catholic feel to the liturgy including the weekly sacrament of the eucharist (communion) but unlike the Roman Catholic Church, Tolerance.org says that DoC are a "liberal Protestant Christian denomination that has been slowly transitioning...to an acceptance of GLBT's and promotion of their civil rights in society."

My husband and I felt very welcome there and Greg, well he felt so good he even drank their kool-aid.


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