Welcome to He Qi's New Gallery in Book Form

By Dr. Richard Melheim
Beyond a standard Art Book - it's a masterpiece of art designed and published by He Qi
It’s Chagall meets Matisse meets Picasso meets the East. Vibrant. Energetic. Breathtaking. Biblical. Humorous. Whole-world art. He hopes to help change the “foreign image” of Christianity in China by using artistic language, and at the same time, to supplement Chinese Art the way Buddhist art did in ancient times. His brilliant, colorful and highly contemporary paintings emerge unmistakably from ongoing Chinese contexts. He Qi blends Chinese folk customs and traditional Chinese painting with the western art of the Middle and Modern Ages, but adds his own spin, techniques and style. I believe He Qi may one day be seen as the Michaelangelo of the next 1000 years of Christian art. [Purchase]

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